Aug 1, 2023 | AC, Age, Air Conditioner, Air Conditioning System, Brand, Condenser, Lifespan, Manufacture Date, Model, Nameplate, Online, Outdoor Unit, Serial Number

They say it’s impolite to ask a woman her age, but when it comes to your air conditioner, it’s a different story! In all seriousness, though, as responsible homeowners, knowing the exact age of your air conditioning unit is essential. Though seemingly trivial, understanding the age and condition of your HVAC system can be highly beneficial. If you’ve noticed a drop in your AC’s efficiency or encountered other issues, now is the perfect time to determine its age. This is because air conditioners typically last 15-20 years, depending on maintenance, and this knowledge is vital when making important decisions about repairs or replacements. So, let’s uncover the mystery of your air conditioner’s age together! 

Follow these steps from the experts at Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati to determine your air conditioner’s exact age: 

Step One: Locate the Manufacture Date on the Condenser 

Head outside to where your outdoor unit, the condenser, is located. What is the condenser? The condenser is the large metal box that can be found in your backyard. In some situations, it is occasionally placed on the side of the house. Once you have located your condenser, look for the nameplate on one of the sides of the unit, which contains all the essential AC information. The manufacture date might be in the upper right-hand corner, labeled as “MFR DATE” or something similar. If you can’t find it, don’t worry; proceed to step two below. 

Step Two: Find the Manufacturer’s Date Online 

If you haven’t found the date yet, jot down the model, brand, and serial number from the nameplate. You can also take a quick picture of the nameplate for convenience. Then, using an online search engine, enter these three details along with the phrase “manufacture date” in your query. Once you click search, you should find various websites with detailed instructions on decoding the manufacture date specific to your model. With some detective work and determination, you’ll successfully unveil your air conditioner’s exact age. Congratulations on a job well done! 

Still, Having Trouble? 

Don’t fret! If you’re still struggling to pinpoint the exact manufacture date, we’re here to assist you. Our highly-skilled technicians can help you determine your AC’s age during your next seasonal HVAC checkup. 

What’s Next? 

Now that you’ve unraveled the mystery and know your air conditioner’s age, it’s time to tackle the next challenge—figuring out if it needs an upgrade or identifying the reason for its efficiency loss. Feel free to call us to discuss your options further.


Call Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati today at (513) 216-5011, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!