What Are HVAC Basics Every Homeowner Should Know?

Apr 22, 2022 | DIY, Air Filter, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Spring, Thermostat

Suppose you want to keep your heating, ventilation, and air condition system working smoothly and hanging around for as long as possible. In that case, there are a few basics that we believe every homeowner should know concerning the HVAC system in their home. So join Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati as we discuss the following points:

1. When Should You Get Your HVAC Units Serviced?

Your units should get serviced for their seasonal tune-ups & safety checks once a year, each spring and fall. Having these done ensures everything is running as it is supposed to be. Ideally, these would get scheduled to be done before heavily using the unit for the upcoming season. For example, your furnace should be serviced in the fall and your air conditioner in the spring. However, if you have not yet booked your spring maintenance check, it isn’t too late! Call us today, and we can get you scheduled for your seasonal tune-up and safety check as soon as possible!

2. Should You Close Your Unused Vents to Save Energy?

It is a common idea that some homeowners believe closing vents in unused rooms aid in reducing energy consumption. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Closing vents only creates a blockage, confusing your HVAC system, thus consuming more energy to get that particular room heated or cooled. So you see, closing vents actually does quite the opposite of the intended desire. The best thing to do is keep airflow circulating and leave those vents open.

3. How Frequently Should You Change Your Air Filters?

It is known across the HVAC industry that air filters need to be changed every 1-2 months. If you think about it, it makes sense. Since an air filter’s job is to catch and hold air contaminants, leaving them unchanged only results in dust particle buildup and restricted airflow. In addition, a dirty air filter will negatively impact the indoor air quality in your home. When this happens, this can be uncomfortable for those in your home who may suffer from allergies or other respiratory conditions such as asthma. Overall, negative indoor air quality can affect the health and well-being of your household. You can prevent this by simply swapping your air filters out as recommended.

4. Is Your Thermostat a Smart Thermostat?

Do you have an energy-efficient HVAC system? If you don’t have a smart thermostat, now is the time to consider upgrading to one. Smart thermostats are famous for their energy efficiency, so pairing a smart thermostat with your energy-efficient HVAC system, will only help maximize your energy savings as the two paired together will reduce your home’s overall energy consumption.

5. What Kind of HVAC System Do You Have & How Old Is It?

We believe that it is essential for homeowners to know the age and type of their HVAC system. Since HVAC mishaps are never planned, learning these basics about your furnace and AC unit can help if you need to make a quick but informed decision for either of your units. However, if you don’t know the age or type of HVAC system you have, don’t worry. Our NATE-certified technicians can help you find this information during your next seasonal tune-up & safety check.

When it comes to being a homeowner, you never know when unprecedented situations will arise. This is why we stress the importance of preventative maintenance and proper TLC. If you have any other questions or need to book an appointment, Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati would be more than happy to serve you, your home, and your family! Call today at (513) 216-5011, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!