What Are the Dangers of DIY HVAC Repairs & Maintenance?

May 6, 2022 | DIY, Blog, Cincinnati, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Repair

When it comes to your residential HVAC system, it is essential to have any issues handled by a licensed professional. If you suspect something is wrong with your system, we highly recommend you call a licensed service professional like Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati. It is so easy to get caught up in googling an issue to find out the reason for what’s going wrong in today’s technological world. While we admit that sometimes that can be helpful, there are many risks and dangers involved when choosing to do an HVAC repair yourself. 

What Will Happen to Your Equipment’s Warranty?

To start, it is wise to think about your HVAC system’s warranty before you take the plunge and start fixing your system by yourself. Typically, equipment manufacturers state in their policies that if a DIY repair is performed, the warranty will automatically be voided. So, if you are truly considering going down the DIY road, be sure you are okay with having a voided warranty.

What Kind of Tools and Parts Will You Need?

HVAC repairs can require certain tools and parts to fix the issue. So this should be taken into account, as you may have to invest in the proper tools just to be able to finish the job. In addition, most tools and parts needed to complete an HVAC repair cannot be readily purchased at a regular home improvement store. So you may end up waiting for a longer period of time for the appropriate parts and tools to be delivered instead of having a service professional fix the job in an efficient and timely manner.

What Will a DIY Repair Do to Affect Your HVAC System’s Efficiency?

Next, let’s talk about the risks doing it yourself can have on your HVAC equipment. Various components make up your heating, ventilation, and cooling system. It’s a complex system made up of multiple parts that work in conjunction to heat or cool your home. So even the smallest of mistakes can produce more significant problems. You may find yourself pleased that you fixed one issue, but then you might have to deal with other problems in another component of your system. When extra strain is placed on your system caused by such issues, a DIY repair will likely decrease your system’s overall efficiency. So you may not see the repercussions now, but long-term damages will show up through its efficiency and lifespan.

What Dangers Can Happen?

There are so many dangerous situations that can occur with DIY repairs. Even licensed service professionals have to handle HVAC equipment, materials, and substances with the utmost care. So what can happen? A few scenarios can come into play if things go awry. These include:

  1. Electrocution as a result of faulty or incorrect wiring 
  2. Poisoning due to carbon monoxide and natural gas inhalation
  3. Explosions or house fires sparked by flammable substances like gas or oil or from wiring issues

What Type of DIY Projects & Preventative Maintenance Can You Do?

Maybe you enjoy a good DIY project and tackling things on your own? If you’ve got the itch to handle tasks yourself, don’t worry. There are still a few things we believe you can safely take on as a homeowner regarding maintaining your HVAC system.

  1. Add Insulation- A home’s insulation should be 10-14 inches thick. You can check the insulation in your attic, crawlspaces, and any other areas in your home where insulation is or should be and confirm whether insulation needs to be added or installed. If you find that these areas could use a little more insulation, this is a project we consider safe for the DIY lover to take on.
  2. Replace Air Filters- Change those air filters frequently. You do not have to wait for your next appointment to have your filters changed out by a technician. In fact, we recommend you change them out every 1-2 months. Doing so sets your system up for success to function at its highest capacity with no unnecessary clogs and extra strain on your system!
  3. Wipe the Thermostat- Keep your thermostat free of dust buildup and other residues. The thermostat is often forgotten during a home’s dusting process. However, it is a good idea to run a soft cloth over the thermostat every so often to ensure nothing hinders the thermostat buttons from functioning smoothly.

There are quite a few aspects to consider and risks involved when choosing to do a DIY HVAC repair or maintenance task. Nevertheless, investing in a licensed service professional will make all the difference in having the job done quickly and efficiently. Experience the five-star difference with us! You can call Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati for your HVAC needs! Call (513) 216-5011, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here.