Why Homeowners Should Turn On Their Furnace Sooner Rather Than Later

Nov 12, 2021 | Winter

One of the most common misconceptions among homeowners, including myself, is that you don’t need to turn your furnace before the winter weather hits. Despite this, the best season to turn your furnace is fall, preferably before the freezing temperatures return to Ohio. So even if you are trying to save money on your utility bills or if your body temperature runs warm, you are doing yourself and your home a huge favor by turning on your furnace ahead of the curve. Our NATE Certified technicians at Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati have given us some insight into why it’s better to be safe than sorry regarding your home heating system.

Discovering Any Heating Concerns

According to our technicians, the primary purpose of turning on your residential furnace sooner rather than later is discovering any malfunctions or broken parts within your HVAC system. Doing so allows homeowners to fix any issues before they become stuck in a cold house with no heat in the dead of winter.  

Saving Money & Time

Turning on your furnace before the freezing temperatures of winter weather hits Ohio will save homeowners money and time. Because of this, homeowners can get ahead and save time, money, and energy by avoiding the busy winter season. Furthermore, many HVAC industries like Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati offer homeowners who get their services done early by promoting special discounts. 

Plan For Cold Temperatures

Imagine you are preparing for a long cross-country trip in your car. Naturally, you wouldn’t want your car to break down in the middle of nowhere, so you take it to the shop to get serviced before you begin your trip. Your household furnace is no different. But, by taking the extra time to turn on your furnace early, you can confirm that all parts are running and your furnace and thermostat are properly interacting with one another, thus keeping your home comfy and warm. Moreover, this will give homeowners peace of mind knowing your home is ready to handle the freezing temperatures ahead.

We understand that as a homeowner, it can be hard to remember all of the little chores that go into keeping your home fully functional can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, preparing your home for winter is essential for keeping you, your family, and your home warm and cozy all winter long.

Do you have questions about turning on your furnace early? Don’t stress, Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati is here to assist! 
Call today at (513) 216-5011, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!